Life, Death & Family


So Jim lost his Mom this past Thursday, February 18th. She was 86 years old & although the large Campbell/Kingsley family couldn't physically be together, they spent most of the day online sharing memories & pictures of this special lady. ♥️

I think the death of a loved one evokes so many different emotions. Sadness, grief, thankfulness that they were no longer in pain & a reminder of the incredible blessing that our friends & family are to our lives. As nomadic van dwellers, we have moments when we miss being in the vicinity of these special people.  Sometimes a phone call or video chat just doesn't seem adequate. With the added concerns of Covid-19, I can see why many folks feel isolated & miss the pre-Covid gatherings & hugs from loved ones. 

So we appreciate, even more, the time we are spending in FL with our son & his girlfriend. We didn't even hesitate (well, maybe a little) when he wanted to take a 7 hour road trip to look at a truck he was considering purchasing. We even volunteered taking our tiny home on wheels so the 3 of us headed out at 2am this past Saturday morning. We had a lot of laughs & special moments & everything worked out wonderfully although there were a few bumps in the road along the way 😊.  He ended up buying the truck & we are thankful that we had this mother, father & son bonding time together. Life is short & precious. 

This post is dedicated to Jean Kingsley and to our son who is our dear one who enriches our lives in so many ways. ♥️♥️♥️

We took turns napping in the van