The Circle of Life

So after "running" from the cold snap, we arrived in Navarre Florida where the low teetered near freezing on the first morning after our arrival. Our son & his girlfriend had purchased a home there last year & we were so excited to start helping out by working on some projects. We moved an area of fencing & helped with installing an extra return vent for their home AC. 

So add to the list of "Why we love our van" is that it provides us the ability to "camp" in their driveway & sleep in our own home. We also found an inexpensive RV park nearby where we spend some days & can dump our tanks. While at our family's house, we also hope to work on some van projects including the removal of some worn out decals on the van's exterior. 

So let's get back to the title of today's post..."The Circle of Life".  My hubby & I get a lot of satisfaction from helping our son & his girlfriend with these projects. While working, we often reminisce & think of my parents who were in their 70's when Jim & I bought our first home. Each winter, they would travel south to stay with us for a few weeks & they would tackle many of the items on our "to do" list. They accomplished so much and what a blessing it was for us. They seemed to really enjoy helping us & I guess I truly now understand the satisfaction that they felt so many years ago. We are so thankful to be healthy & to be able to follow in their footsteps. ♥️🚐