Not All Peaches and Cream

So we had a wonderful Christmas with our son and his girlfriend and her family.  The day before was not wonderful 👎⛈️

I guess the reason why we are blogging about the "not so wonderful day" is because we often chuckle when we watch van dwelling YouTubers and it seems like everything in their lives is sunshine, rainbows and unicorns.  Van dwelling, like living in any other type of home, has its challenges and it's not all peaches & cream.  

I would say that we absolutely love it about 95% of the time.   A rainy day now and then is even downright pleasant because for us, it is a day to kick back, relax and watch some movies or play games and just chillax. We do get a little stir crazy however if it rains more than one day in a row and we often go out and walk in the rain but then have to deal with hanging our wet clothes in a very small space. It's truly not a big deal though and it just makes us appreciate sunny days even more.

The problem with the day before Christmas was, not only was it raining, but we developed a leak. We had been high and dry for months and have gone through torrential rainstorms with nary a drop inside but, on this day, we had a little stream of water running down the interior wall right onto Jim's bed. 

Ugh, so we couldn't do a thing about it until the rain subsided. We guessed that the only thing that had changed was that Jim had removed a vent for our propane stove when he was removing the old exterior decals and perhaps he didn't reinstall it properly. So he removed it again and applied putty tape all around the frame so hopefully that will do the trick.  In the whole scheme of things, it truly is a minor thing but made for a great blogging topic that illustrates that van dwelling can have its ups and downs too. Merry Belated Christmas and may you have more peaches and cream days in 2021 rather than "not so wonderful days". 😊🚐