Our Favorite Home

So as a married couple, we have lived in six different homes. The one we live in now, our 1994 Chevy G30 Roadtrek van, is our favorite.  I know that may sound strange to some folks and it probably would have sounded strange to us too before we started this lifestyle over 2 years ago, but it's true.  

Just like a turtle that carries its shell wherever it goes, we always have our home with us. The other day, Jim had a dental appointment, and I stayed at home 😊. Our van was parked in the dental office parking lot but I felt totally comfortable & managed to get a lot accomplished while Jim was at his appointment.

Another reason why we love this home so much is the ever changing fantastic views from all the windows.

Speaking of the windows, we love fresh air and we both have windows directly over our sleeping areas in the back and we so enjoy a cool breeze at night & listening to all the night time sounds. (Especially the whippoorwills and owls). 

Just like in the movie "Nomadland" where the main character felt more comfortable sleeping in her van then in a "normal" home, we too laugh about how we have become "vanstitutionalized".  We are presently cat sitting and have the option to sleep in a house versus our van and Jim opted to sleep in the van. The only reason why I chose the house was because I want to keep an eye on the cats overnight but otherwise I would be in the van as well. We just sleep SO well in the van. 

Lastly, our home helps us to embrace a minimalist lifestyle and truly makes us appreciate how it's not all the "stuff" that we accumulate in our lives that matter but it's the adventures we collect and the people we meet along the way. 😊👍🚐