Changes in the wind

So since the end of August, we have been back in South Carolina where our full-time van dwelling lifestyle actually started in March of 2019. 

September and October were always two of our favorite months when we used to live in this area, so we decided to return and chill out here for awhile.  Rising gas prices and the difficulty securing campground reservations has caused us to become a bit more stationary. 

Being more stationary has made us desire a second vehicle so on hot days, we wouldn't have to unplug our "house" AC and could run to the store or head to one of our favorite swimming spots without putting items away to prepare for traveling in our tiny home on wheels. Pre-Covid, we would head to higher elevation in search of cooler weather and find camping spots in those areas but it's very difficult now due to the increased popularity of camping. Full-timers like us are having to resort to making reservations way in advance which really takes away a lot of the freedom associated with this lifestyle. Not really whining here but this is the new reality.

We have pondered switching to a vehicle with a travel trailer but we just feel so comfortable in our van and so many travel trailers, especially now, have real quality issues. Plus, we would give up the ability to park just about anywhere and pull over at a moment's notice.  Buying a used truck also seems to be out of the question as the used car market is now insane with prices that are just crazy.  

So I know I am rambling all over the place but also wanted to mention that our lifestyle really centers around weather. Living in a modern, normal dwelling where temperature can be regulated more easily is very different from living in a vehicle where one must consider sunny spots versus shady spots,  high summer heat, low winter temps, etc etc.  So if we happen to be in a sunny spot in the summer, we put our reflectix window coverings on the outside of our van which keeps the sun from heating up our windows and keeps us cooler inside.

So, it's kind of a pain in the summer to have to take all the coverings off and drive to the store and heat up the van by parking it in a parking lot and then return to the campground. Okay, so maybe I am whining a bit. 😊 Maybe summer is not our favorite season now that we are van dwellers. 

So we have come up with a solution after racking our brains over all the options that we might consider viable for our needs and wants at the present time. Speaking of present time, here is a picture that I took this second and we just love being nomadic and seeing different views every week or so.

So we are going to actually bite the bullet and make campground reservations way ahead of time and we are also going to purchase a second vehicle!!!  Not a used one but a brand new one that is the most inexpensive pickup truck in America today. I know I sound like a salesperson but we are very excited about our 2022 Ford Maverick hybrid order that we placed with Ford last week.  It has an estimated EPA of 42 miles per gallon for city driving. With all of the options we selected, it is going to be $22,000 plus taxes. 

We are so happy that we will have an easier way to transport bicycles, kayaks, or even tow a small Jon boat. We probably won't even receive the truck until late spring or early summer of 2022 due to its popularity and the delay with commodity shortages but that's AOK with us.  So our plan is to stay at indidual campgrounds in our Roadtrek for 2 weeks at a time and use our Maverick for exploration, errands and fun. 

Yes, fall is here and there is a change in the wind 😊👍🚐