Fort Pickens Campground is Open (Yippee)


So we gave up our spot at the RV park for January and decided instead to "moochdock" in our family's driveway.  Moochdocking is a common full time RVer term to mean using a friend or family's driveway to park instead of paying to stay at a campground.  😀  While in the panhandle of Florida, we like to do both and split our time between our son and his girlfriend's home and local campgrounds.  

One of our favorite spots is Fort Pickens campground in the Gulf Islands National Seashore.   Hurricane Sally battered the entire area this past September and this beautiful national park did not reopen until December 5th.  Damage to the park is still evident and it is a reminder as to just how destructive hurricanes can be to a community.  

Anyhow, we spent a wonderful four days hiking, exploring, fishing, beach combing and just plain relaxing.  On our last day there, a rain and wind event occurred and we were amazed as to how quickly the access roads to the park became covered in sand.

The sunsets are amazing here and the beach is just a short walk from the campground.  Speaking of walks, there are so many hiking trails all around the campground and some lead to the actual "Fort Pickens" which is a great area to explore.  The fort compound can also be accessed by car or bicycle & there is a beautiful fishing pier there as well. 👍

Jim found all kinds of interesting things on the beach along Pensacola Bay. 

What always makes me extra happy about being at Fort Pickens campground (besides the beautiful scenery and the hiking and exploring opportunities) is the HUGE dishwashing station at the campground.  Washing dishes here is awesome  !!!!

Look at these sand covered roads.  It felt like we were up north driving after a snow storm.