It's The Simple Things

So we pulled out of Jennings Ferry Campground (near Eutaw AL) right before 7am this morning.  We are thankful that we were able to dump our tanks & hit the road before the heavy rains started falling. We had about a 2 hour drive to our next camping spot & we had decided that we would do some grocery shopping about midway to our destination & then spend time hanging out in our "home" in the parking lot. Check-in time at the next campground, Issac Creek ACOE, wasn't until 4 pm. 

Well, guess what?.. the sweet camp host telephoned around 10 am & said that our site was empty & to come on down before the weather conditions deteriorated.  AWESOME !! 

Not only that, when we arrived at the campground, we discovered that their laundry room was open. Yippee!!! Many ACOE campgrounds have closed their laundry areas due to Covid concerns. Having a washer & dryer across the street from our campsite (see pics) made our day.  I think this lifestyle has given us a new appreciation for the simple things. 😊🚐♥️

View of our van from the laundry room